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Always be learning

Continuous erudition.

Always be learning
Members Public

No thinking, no learning

A short-term shortcut.

No thinking, no learning
Members Public

Using Games and Simulations to Facilitate Generative Conflict

An exploration of generative and destructive conflict; play and social success; and role of games in contested spaces.

Using Games and Simulations to Facilitate Generative Conflict
Members Public

The power of community

Learning with peers.

The power of community
Members Public

On effective learning and teaching

Learning new things is wonderful.

On effective learning and teaching
Members Public

Come on!

Don't hold back!

Bruno unfiltered
Members Public

Improving the impact of remote Playing Lean workshops through action inquiry and critical reflexivity

A detailed view of one complete action research cycle with simultaneous first-person research and second-person co-inquiry.

Academic paper printed and placed on top of Playing Lean board game
Members Public

Learning through suffering

"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding." — Kahlil Gibran

Learning through suffering
Members Public

What does it mean to have a coach?

Continuous betterment.

What does it mean to have a coach?
Members Public

Never stop learning

Fuel for innovation.

Never stop learning